If you market to women and you haven’t stepped up your social media game.. then you’re missing out BIG TIME. A recent study shows 42 million US women participate in social media at least weekly. Blog have been found to be most influential.
Plainly put – more time with social media means less with more traditional formals like newspapers, magazines and TV.
Of course, the flight from traditional media to social media has been reported before but this new study by Blogher, the women’s blog network – digs even deeper into the trend.
Reveal #1: Social Networks Like Facebook Get the Most Usage
More women use social networks like Facebook and MySpace than anything else, with blogs their second choice.
Reveal #2: Blogs Wield the Widest Influence
It’s not just about how much time is spent in an activity, it’s what women do in that activity. Blogs have been found to influence purchases by women.
Reveal #3: Women Look to Blogs for Business, Politics, Cars and Technology
Women are more likely to go to social networks for beauty, entertainment and dating advice. But for the majority of other categories they look to blogs.
Depending on the nature of your business, it might be worth it to focus on Facebook or MySpace. But for most things, such as if you are in a B2B business or selling technology, blogs could give you more influence.
Read the entire survey, which you can download here.
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