The French are picking a fight and they're will to go "toe to toe' over this one: Internet Piracy. France is set to introduce the world’s toughest laws against Internet piracy violations.
Parliamentarians recently voted to give the government powers to cut off offenders’ Internet access.
The controversial draft law would create an agency to police illegal downloading of copyright material. Internet users who download films and music without paying for them would get three warnings before being cut off for up to a year. Until now action against illegal file sharing has been a matter for the French courts.
Consumer groups said the creation of a non-judicial body with the power to police the Internet would threaten civil liberties.
The bill is supported by Hollywood studios, music labels and some artists, who see illegal downloads as the biggest threat to their businesses.
The French crackdown on Internet piracy is the latest in a string of disputes with Brussels, over issues ranging from subsidised energy prices to a bailout package for the motor industry.
So for anyone who has ever thought the French to shy away from a battle ~ as for whether or not they're serious about this fight they say "Oui Oui!"
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