Social networking has exploded. According to a recent report by Nielsen Online, the time that people in the U.S. spend on social network sites is up 83 percent from a year ago. If the law of supply and demand holds true – is limited access in social media’s future? I’m talking invite only – Not sites you pay for.. ie: subscription services like Classmates.com ~ I’m talking invite only.. pre-screening.. the whole kit and caboodle.
Right now.. it’s mostly No RSVP needed. Not only can you join MySpace, Facebook.. or even Twitter in the blink of an eye.. a good number of users have several accounts. There are no rigid screening procedures. Aside from that computer generated gaggle of letters and/or numbers ~ In just a few moments you’re up and running doing the social network thing.
Social media has opened up a whole new world for businesses and self promoters. But like anything on the Internet, there’s always someone trying to one up.. or put a different spin on something. Enter Members Only Social Networking sites.
A growing number of invite and profession only sites like are popping up on the web. Sites like LawLink for Legal experts, attorneys, and support staff, and Sermo for physicians. It's designed specifically for physicians and lets members discuss medical cases and compare opinions. Sermo doesn't charge the doctors, but it does charge journalists seeking medical answers and companies looking for physician endorsements.
Social Media expert Chris Brogan says it’s called Velvet Roping and predicts that we will see more of these sites in the future. Brogan says “on these sites there’s no chatting and you don’t have to worry about people trying to sell you ebooks.”
So - if you hate to see those folks whisk by you in line.. then prepare yourself for possibly being whisked by online.
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